Friday 2 August 2013

My artwork

Hello and welcome to my wonderful gallery. All the pictures shown are all hand painted by me. In fact the whole favour of doing fine art is to return "Gods favour"; secondly to my wife whom prepared the suitable Adequate positions to do fine art.  
Most of them are done with oil colours and some are done in black and white/ink. 
As of now, the original versions of each paintings are for sale, for any enquiries please call: 07593 840590
Enjoy the following pictures.

Art work in church's:

Three icons of the last supper in three different churches in oil paint, plywood and canvas each one at least 1.75 metres long.

A painting of Jesus Christ as the King of Kings facing the holy altar. This painting was done in oil colours.

And outside above the altar the crucifixion of Jesus Christ has been fixed there. With His mother Mary on his right and St John on the left. All been done in timber (thickness 5 cm) and in oil colours.

Here I stand next to my paintings. I am the person on the right. The three paintings I painted them. They are all in the same church. The person on the left is my brother in law. He joined me in painting in the church.

Here are the Sudanese labourers carrying the Painting that I did. The painting is very long and heavy that is why there are more than one of them.

In St Georges church I did three icons. One of the pictures is St George, St Mary sitting on a Easel with Jesus and John and one with Archangel 

In fact I continued to practise art because I see it as a "God Given Talent" since I was 7 years old (till now). I used black ink in most of my paintings (most of my paintings are black and white) but then some are done in oil colours. Most of these paintings are very old so I will try my best to describe each one.

1. Violinist.
The only painting that I found which I did when I was a young boy is a female violinist which is done in black and white.

2. The escape to Egypt. 
The holy family escaped to Egypt when Jesus was a child. With his mother Mary and Joseph. They escaped on a donkey. Done in Oil colours.

3. Motherhood- the maternity.
This portrait in black and white using cartridge paper is a very nice and lovely picture, truly showing motherhood objectively.

4. The interruption cutting.
One day when I was invited to Alexandria Stieraton Hall a group of foreigners caught my sight. Drinking, disputing and talking in different languages. So that established in my self to being and oil painting. 

5. The street barber.
In some countries, i.e. when was in India something caught my sight. People were cutting there hair in the street; so there was a young boy escaped from the barber climbing on a tree, he didn't want his lovely hair to be cut in oil colours.

6. Samson.
Samson was one of the prophets in the Old Testament in the Holy bible that God granted him, energy, strength and power which God gave him through his hair this was done in oil painting.

7. The Amazon Calvary Women Warriors.
As confirmed by the memory to the Grecian legend that the Amazonian women are tall, strong, masculine, fascinated and captivated by wars. There whereabouts located are near to the Black sea and close to the Amazon river. Used canvas and oil colours.


8. Bushman in the desert drinking from an ostrich egg container.
The Bushman residents lived in the deserts of western and southern regions of Sudan. They are migrating as huntsmen. The water is rarely found in these enormous wide regions So bushmen pierce a hole in an ostrich egg container to irrigate his thirst, as well to satisfy his appetite by sucking the egg. Used cartridge paper and oil colours.

9. The miracle of the prophet Elisha to King Aram.
It is confirmed in the Old Testament (Holy Bible) when King Aram demanded a request to Elisha, to pray to his God to carry out to execute a miracle against his enemy soldiers; whom surrounded the country intended to, to occupy and capture them. As a matter of fact, the miracle happened and occurred by coming into sight. A group of heavenly troops, which is Gods army. Canvas and oil colours.

10. The Folklore dances art (in the eastern region of Sudan).
In Kassala (El Taka Mountains) The youths showing the imitation talents with their amorous loving girls dancing with their local swords. Used canvas and oil colours.

11. The Monk temptation.
As a rule generally the Monks are living lonely isolated from the outside world. they spend all their lives in deserts, mountains without seeing any person. Spending their lives praying to God. But the Satan(Devil) does not leave them alone. This portrait shows how Satan tempts a monk by sending a naked woman. So look how angry nature is, to the broken trees. Canvas and oil colours.

12. The words in art, love and beauty.
I have done an African art similar to "Mona Lisa"- look how her grimace looking face, her fine fingers, playing her musicality art with her favourable "Rebec" (That is the Eastern Mona Lisa). Canvas and oil colours.

13. The Osis.
This portrait describing how the people living in Osis helping the travellers in their desert tours. Canvas and oil colours.

14. The parting of the prophets Elijah and Elisha.
As described in the Old Testament (Holy Bible) that prophet Elijah raised to Heaven mounted by a fiery carriage, dropped down his clothing garment to his dearly prophet Elisha due to prophet Elisha desire. Canvas and oil colours.

15. The Sudanese ceremony marriage.
This fine art showing a Sudanese wedding ceremony. the bride dancing her imitation dance with red silk in hand, as well as coloured henna in hands and her legs, as the Sudanese henna vessel perfumed her near her legs also the golden coil around her head. The bridegroom in his clothing garments showing their imitation thin occasion, holding sword in hand representing chivalry, holding in hand the bride dress is in so many different and lovely colours, the red silk in his head indicates the wedding ceremony. The invited guests and friends welcome saluting this wedding by playing drums and their utter with lash, representing the bridegroom courage. Canvas and oil painting.

16. The Sudanese braiding hair.
This portrait shows how the Hirling mercenary braiding hairs to the Prestiges high ranks ladies; in their in their traditions. Black and white.

17. The Sudanese milking.
This portrait shows how the milkmaid milking a cow in a special a position so her baby can lean on her for easiness milking. Canvas and oil colours.

18. The wheat harvest time and the harvester.
This portrait shows how the harvesters from both strangers 2 fair genders gathering the crops/wheat; also shows the farm owner. Canvas and oil colours.

19. Struggle fighting against fin-whale and an wild sea animal.
This portrait shows the Amazon's cavalry woman strong enough struggling for existence a fin-whale  under the deep sea.

20. The avenger against first Amazonian lady with her guardian leopardess.
Thin portrait shows how the bitter feeling how bearing grudge against the Amazon's cavalry woman, whom trying to assassinate her, but her guardian leopardess shall defend her. Canvas and oil colours.

21. The challenge in bodies perfection with referee.
This portrait shows how to demonstrate their strength and muscle with attendance an Arbitrator as a referee for what suppose going to between. Canvas and oil colours.

22. Now the architect works.
All free hand in black ink. St Peters Cathedral.

23. Beach comber woman. (Alexandria Egypt)
Before starting this portrait the origin of this paper was completely black, painted in carbonic coat. To penetrate this coat you scratch the back of it using a special pen. The result after the required scratching, the white colour penetrated "as beach combers".

24. London parters lodge.
Used black ink. Black and white

25. Old street in Rye
Black ink. Black and white.

26. Opera Sydney Australia.
This architect is on very high level of artistic free handwork completely black and white. Black ink.

27. Mahadi's tomb.
This natural tableau had been done in many visits to the tomb spot site. Black ink.

28. Madonna on Easel, (St Mary  on a chair).
Also shows John the Baptist sitting next to Jesus. Done in black and white. And next to it another one I did in colour

29. The Virgin and her child Jesus.
Look who the mother Virgin fostering the child Jesus in a warm-hearted
feeling. Done in black and white, and another done in colour

30. Postage(mail)stamp.
In 1958 the government in Sudan proposed for a mail stamp to represent the Sudanese revolution.

31. The dawn.
The sun rising and shining at dawn.

32. The living countryside.
In fact the countryside has special distinctive quality life, people here are always cheerful, happy and delighted, that is the natural, normal life; peaceful and loving in humbleness and humility.

33. In this icon (mentioned in the new testament) the senescent Simeon waiting for the consolation of Israel and the holy spirit was upon him; so he came to the temple and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him according to the custom of law. Simeon took him up in his arms and blessed God and said.
"Lord now you are letting your servant depart in peace according to your word".

34. Jesus and the adulteress.
As mentioned in the Holy Bible (New testament). This icon shows the scribes and the Pharisees brought to Jesus a woman caught into adultery, in the very act "Now Moses, in the law he commanded us that such should be stoned". But why do you say? Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with his finger and said to them:
"Who is without sin among you; let him throw a stone at her first". When he said this the Pharisees and scribes went away one by one. Then Jesus saw no one but the woman. He said to her.
"Has no one condemned you? Neither do I condemn you go and sin no more.

35. Mary and her mother Henna.
Mary as a child with her Mother Henna who is sitting down done in water colours.

36. Mary and Angel Gabriel.
Now in the sixth month the Angel Gabriel was sent by god to the virgin Mary, and he appeared and said to her, "Do not be afraid Mary, for you have found favour with God and behold you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son, and shall name him Jesus. (117cmX106cm) This picture is currently in London, Golders Green Coptic Orthodox church.

37. The Baptism of Jesus by Saint John the Baptist.
Then Jesus came from Galilee to the river Jordan in order to be baptized by John. When Jesus was baptized the heavens opened up and the spirit of God came down as a dove and a heavenly light shone upon him. The voice from the heavens said, "This is my beloved son in whom I am pleased with".

38. Moses and the ten commandments.
As mentioned in the Holy Bible God called Moses to come to mount Horeb. The angel of the Lord appeared to him as a flame in a burning bush, but the bush was not consumed by the fire. Moses received the ten commandments . The fire did not burn the bush, similar like Virgin Mary, her virginity was not taken and she remains a virgin forever.

39. Moses and Elijah.
As mentioned in the Bible, Jesus called Peter and the two brother James and John, together they climbed a nearby mountain to pray. When they reached the top the three disciples laid down on the ground to rest. While they were resting Jesus began to pray, suddenly he looked very different. Light seemed to beam from his face, his clothes became dazzling white and flashing like lightning. As this happened Moses and Elijah stood next to Jesus.

40. The annunciation.
Archangel Gabriel visited St Mary to tell her that she will be pregnant with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. The dove above them represents the Holy Spirit, and the little children represent the angels of God. Painted with oil colours- April 1957.

41. The holy family.
In this picture it shows Jesus, St Mary and Joseph in their garden. Jesus as a small child sitting on St Mary's lap and St Joseph is standing opposite them. Painted with oil colours-June 1957.

42. The happy days.
This young boy is walking back home with his dog as he finished fishing. You will know this if you look at the boys hand, he is holding lots of fish, and in his other hand he is holding his fishing rod. You can also see the fishing platform in the distance where he was fishing from. Painted with oil colours- July 1963.

43. Pope Kyrillos.
Free hand drawing of Pope Kyrillos, black and white. He is wearing his religious clothes , his cross in his right hand and his "shepherd" staff in his left hand. He was born 8 August 1902 and died 9 march 1971-August 1968.

44. The Holy Spirit.
John 16:7
"Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I don't go away the Helper will not come to you; but if i depart I will send him to you".

Dated 06/08/2014, painted in oil colours.

45. Jesus is taken of the cross.
John 19:38
"After this, Joseph of Arimathea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for the fear of the Jews, asked Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus; and Pilate gave him permission. So he came and took the body of Jesus.
Painted with acrylic colours.

46. St Mary holding Jesus with Angels surrounding them.
Luke 1:46-50
"My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour. For he has regarded the lowly state of his maidservamt; For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed. For he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name. And His mercy is on those who fear him from generation to generation". 
Painted with acrylic colours.

47. St George defeating the dragon.
Painted with acrylic colours, in this picture you can see St George on his horse defeating the dragon.

48. Annunciation of St Mary. Done in oil paint colours.

49. Annunciation of St Mary again but done with a different design than the one before. Again painted with oil colours.

50. Saint Karas the anchorite, painted with oil colours on a canvas. Anchorite means to isolate yourself from the outside world for religious reasons. Saint Karas isolated himself from the world to dedicate his life to prayer to God only.

51. Oil coloured painting about Jesus writing in the sand with his finger writing all the sins of the people around him, before the adulteress was to be stoned by the Scribes and Pharisees, taken from the Gospel of John,    chapter 8.

52. Jacob's dream of a ladder leading up to heaven with the angels walking up and down, the grandson of Abraham. The ladder represents the Saint Mary connecting Heaven and Earth with the birth of Jesus. Done in oil colours.

53. Boat sculpture crafted and assembled together.
60cm x 95cm dimensions. 

54. A British family relaxing after a long days work on the farm. Painted in water colours. I began this picture in 1954 and finished it in 1956.


  1. Amazing and meaningful pictures. I remember to see the first 3 pictures in Atbara and Damer they look stunning.

  2. Beautiful pictures , very good condition 😍🔥❤️💞
    Cathy 😘😘
